I thought I'd share with you something I wrote while in the middle of that last relapse while dealing with my brand new diagnosis. I'm sure you've all been there and can relate, whether you have MS or not. We all struggle and stumble sometimes and maybe this can help someone out there wading through the muck right now. It will get better, I promise.
There's a kitty in the window and a spirit by the bed
Passing through her messages Re: the living and the dead
Drugs in to still the heartache, drugs in to numb the pain
Drugs in to slow the monster punching holes into my brain
I wish I may, I wish I might just make it through another night
Without the dreaded crushing strain that I will never walk again
The Earth it keeps on spinning, the planets are aligned
I hope that I'll be happy soon one day before I die
It's coming like a freight train, It's going to mow me down
I've known it for the longest time
My birds have almost flown
My birds and yours can sit atop the highest wire fence
I've missed you so these many months
We'll be hours to just catch up
To wrap my arms around you and to gaze upon your face
The last time that I saw it was the last time I felt safe
So, there we go, deep thoughts by
keep the kitty and the spirit close and just put one foot in front of the other. Beer in the summer and wine in the winter, love you and your poetry, Mom
I knew you'd sneak wine in there somewhere! :)
I agree with your mom Alison, spirits up. I've always been known as an old soul, which means I'm a care giver. I take great pleasure in helping others which makes me feel good inside
( You help me). I also think that I'm lucky because I could have been diagnosed with something fatal. So, I take the good with the bad. Chin up my friend!
Thanks Laura! I just read that red grapes, and therefore red wine, has an anti-inflammatory effect on brain tissue. So, Mom's right again! ha ha
You're right too, we're not lucky that we have MS but, are lucky that it definitely could have been worse. Thanks for the support. Ali.
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