Anyway, when the weather gets colder, Canadians start to think about traveling. I am personally looking VERY forward to my trip to Mexico this xmas! Vitamin D from sunlight is apparently great for MS so, that's my excuse to lay like a vegetable on the beach for 10 days.

You know how we've talked about the things in our lives that make us feel better and experience some relief from the worry of MS (like pets, kids, yoga etc)? Well, friends are a huge component of the happiness-factor in my life and I can't wait for four days of uninterrupted girl-time!
Amy & I are those friends that spent nearly every minute together when we were growing up and, when we weren't together, were on the phone talking about what we were going to do next. If you are a parent with a kid at home that never, ever gets off the phone, you know what our parents dealt with for decades.
We are going to do a lot of shopping, dining out, wine-drinking, whale watching and sightseeing over the next four days. I've been having a bit of a recurrence in my MS symptoms over the past week so, I'm going to rest up like crazy tonight and then I'll be ready to go like a shot tomorrow.
Do you have any friends in your life that make a huge difference in how you handle your MS? If you'd like to shout-out any of your good friends, leave me a comment or send an email and I'd be happy to give them a special mention. :)
All the best, Ali.
so sweet, I think the path from our house to Amy's is still there. The memories are for sure. I can still see you all getting in that big, stretch limo for prom.
Hi Mom...can you even imagine how many times we walked back and forth between our two houses over the years?! It must be easily in the millions!
Anyway, we're having a fantastic time and we saw a ton of whales today out on the boat. I'll post pics after Amy's trip is done.
We're off to White Rock tomorrow - I'll bet you're jealous! I think she's going to love it as much as you; if that's possible!
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