Friday evening = Come home super-tired from working all week. Eat dinner, talk on the phone, make plans for the weekend, pass out for 10 hours until a paw hits me insistently in the face. See the following link for dramatization:
Saturday = Bathe, get ready, pick up a bottle of wine, drive to sister's house to have girl's night with her and friend. Have crab-stuffed salmon for dinner, visit other friend to see house renovation, have a couple of glasses of wine, girl talk and fun, watch Game 5 hockey game (by the way...BOO Vancouver!) and go to bed relatively early. Sleep for another 10 hours.
Sunday = Wake up, have coffee with the girls, help sister clean up her deck for the summer, call Mom to say Happy Mum's Day, get hair done and .... TOTALLY HIT THE WALL. What the heck!!!????
All of a sudden I get TIRED like nothing I've ever experienced before this M.S. relapse. Eyes crossing, head-bobbing, shoulder-slumping exhaustion. It's not like I did much of anything, I got plenty of sleep and had a total of two small glasses of wine over 2 1/2 days. I ate well, did not overly exert myself and took my Low Dose Naltrexone on schedule. So, what is going on here? Do you fellow MS-ers get like this? What do you do about it? It's getting pretty difficult to have the schedule of a 34 year old with the energy of an 80 year old. Actually, I see 80 year olds all the time and I could swear they have more spring in their step than I do right now! Are they putting some special elixer in their afternoon tea that you don't get access to until you turn 65? Well, I need it now. If any of you have insight on this topic, I beg of you, please send me a quick line and I'll read it in between naps!
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