Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Ummmm, Towel?...Anyone?

Incontinence Episode (Chapter Two)
After about three weeks, the Prednisone IV really began its work and I started to regain function in my legs, bladder and vision.  To celebrate and get out of the pajama-uniform, I decided to go out on a Friday night for a remission-is-on-the-way mini party with my sister and friend.  At this time I was most definitely not anywhere close to "better" but, in comparison to how I was even a couple of weeks before, I felt like a new person.  Perhaps I overdid it just a bit.  :)
We went out to my favourite pub on the river where the float planes come in and found a table by the window.  We ordered some dinner and noticed that bottles of wine were 25% off so, great, bottle of red it is.  After the dinner hour, the pub turns 'semi-club' and a DJ comes out for some fun.  By this time we were on bottle #2 and feeling no pain.  We were stationed not too far from the washroom and I had suited up with some Poise before leaving the house so, things were good, if not a little fuzzy around the edges.  I couldn't dance yet (picture Elaine from Seinfeld) and was still pretty wobbly so, I enjoyed my wine and hung out in our little section and got to know the DJ.  Bottle of wine #3 and we're having a jolly old time when we decide to switch venues and go out on the water-front deck.  Away from the washroom.  And, again. Bottle. Number.  THREE.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I was feeling so good, comfortable and secure that a bit earlier in the night, I decided to remove the Poise.  I know, I know...A tipsy mind is not an accurate mind.
Anyway, we make our way out to the deck and situate ourselves at a great table on the water where we proceed to make some new friends.  And we ordered, you guessed it, bottle number #4.  If any of you are doing the drunk-math, this bottle was basically free with our 25% discount so, we figured, "why not"?!  Well, I will tell you why not right now.
All of a sudden I HAD to go pee NOW and our new location could literally not be further away from the washroom!  OH NO.  I stand up with a horrible, panicked feeling and proceed...to wet my pants.  At my favourite pub.  That we go to all the time.  On a lit patio in front of the new friends we'd been partying with all night. For my celebration of having increased mobility and...bladder function.  Without the Poise back up I'd used earlier in the night when I had a clear mind minus copious amounts of wine.
Ahhhhhhhhhh.  This is WAY worse than the mall!
So, I have to limp through the entire bar with really wet jeans and make my way to the washroom where I proceed to have a complete mental breakdown (not really unusual for the women's washroom at the end of a Friday night though so, nobody batted an eye).  I attempt to make the situation less noticeable, grab the girls and we high tail it the hell out of there into a waiting cab.
Cost of taxis for the night     $30
Cost of dinner + wine          $100
Cost of dry-cleaning outfit   $25
Learning to never anger the bladder-gods during MS relapse   Priceless


karaokegirl said...


Hi. I found your blog through Lainey Gossip and just wanted to throw my 2 cents in. My older sister, who is now 56 years old, was diagnosed with MS about 20+ years ago. Yes it’s a completely devastating diagnosis and one I wouldn’t wish on anybody but it can be lived with. She’s had her lows, her highs and her plateaus. She’s still working, although it’s difficult, but it goes to show it can be done. The shoe thing definitely is a bummer as you need to maintain your balance and not fall down! I love Laura’s idea of replacing the shoe addiction with bags!

I wanted to let you know about her so that you know that you can live with this for a long time although of course it is life changing.

Please continue to try to be as upbeat as possible and continue to push your doctors and those other medical people around you to try everything and anything. It’s my understanding that you don’t know what concoction will work for you as it’s different for everyone.

Most of all you need to take care of yourself first and foremost. If that means missing someone’s birthday or something ‘cause you just need to take a nap, then do it. Take them out another time. If they’re your true friend then they’ll understand; if not, then you’re better off without them. Surround yourself with positive people and continue to fight the brave fight (man I hate that cliche) and hope for a cure, or at least a better treatment, soon.

Most of all, try to continue with your upbeat attitude. Life can suck in general but really suck in your situation. Your posts seem to show that you are attempting to handle potentially devastating situations and experiences with humour and not a little grace. Keep it up and roll with what life gives you - not an easy task I admit.

Take care!

Alison I said...

Hi KG, THANK YOU for your kind and supportive words. I love hearing about others who are living successfully with M.S. and best wishes to you and your sister. Ali.