Yawn! I am SO tired lately...
It's one of my MS symptoms that comes and goes without warning and it's so powerful. I remember that, when I was diagnosed, my friend with MS told me that she once took a week of vacation just to sleep. I thought "I'll never have to do that" but, you know what, I'm thinking about it! ha ha
Did you know that fatigue is the most common, #1 symptom of MS with over 90% of us suffering from it. It's caused because of nerve damage, the energy it takes to deal with our symptoms, medication side effects and mental issues like anxiety and depression.
The MS Society of Canada recommends keeping a fatigue-trigger journal, doing aerobic exercise when possible, eating a nutritious diet and eliminating medications that trigger your exhaustion.
The MS Society has published a document on this subject if you'd like to read it but, they didn't take into consideration that the people reading it are already fatigued and it's really, really long...if you're feeling awake and want to check it out: http://mssociety.ca/en/pdf/livingWell.pdf
This is all well and good but, I know that the people living with this day to day are a wealth of knowledge and great ideas. Can anyone tell me what you do to get through this particular symptom?
Snoooooooooring with my eyes open
Make sure when you sleep that it's quality sleep. I wear a sleep mask and have a blackout blind and make sure it's totally quiet.
Thanks Monica! My room is actually really bright and I've been meaning to get a dark blind - I'll speed up the process. ha ha
I find walking helps, just a stroll about one hour before bed.Sleepy Tyme tea sometimes helps as well or a shot of booze after your walk. If this doesn't work, a bottle of wine is good.
Hi ha, thanks boozer (this MUST be Mom!) I would like to just get tanked and pass out (always the best "sleep" ever) but, the overactive bladder would just keep me getting up every 5 minutes. I'll try the walk-and-shot perhaps...
Couple of things Alison, as I am new to your blog.
First - this isn't a death sentence! It'a another challenge in our life. I was diagnosed 8 years ago, after an optic neuritis flare up. I'm on a clinical trial at UBC, seems to be having a lot of success. Make sure you listen to your body. If you feel tired, take a nap. If you need a day to do nothing, take it. And don't feel guilty about it !
As far as some of the other things, meds.
Never thought I would be on so many, but hey, they help me have a normal day.
Zoplicone to sleep. No "hangover" feeling the next
Also, think of a place that you love to go to, and that you find relaxing. One word. When you go to bed, take a deep breath, hold it for 3 seconds, slowly blow it all out, repeat 3 times.Slow down your brain and all your thoughts. then say the word. Smile as you say it, and tell your brain this is the last word you will say before sleeping, and work hard at keeping it the last word, but not having to repeat it.
This may take a couple of nights to work, but oddly enough it does.
Oxybutynin so I don't pee every 5 minutes.
Aslo try to do some type of work out, even if its just stretching . I am a firm believer with this disease, that we must use every muscle and ligament we can, or else they will forget how to be used. I have stayed very active and I feel great. When I stop working out I feel crappy. This is just my two cents worth, but you have to stay positive. It doesn't define who we are, it just a small part of it.
Keep blogging and if you have any questions, I am here for you. Bonnie
THANK YOU Bonnie! Awesome advice...I am glad to hear of a medication that helps your frequent-pee problem. I have that issue in a big way! ha ha
I like your advice on working out too - I am chunking it up lately because my balance sucks and I have no stamina. I am going to start just stretching as you recommended and work my way into yoga.
I am also going to try your relaxation exercise tonight - my one word is "water". I find anything to do with water relaxing...
Again, thank you - you rock!
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