Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Hello all.  It has recently come to my attention that my post mentioning Herpes as a reference may have offended some. Well, my intention is certainly NOT to offend anyone, especially anyone suffering from a life-changing disease which I completely understand and have the utmost empathy for.  With this blog I would like to encourage an open culture of full disclosure so that everyone struggling alone with such huge hurdles can feel free to openly talk about whatever plagues them and causes them to struggle.  In this way, I think that we can all band together as a community (be it a little one) and support each other; no matter what you need help with, be it mental, physical, social, financial etc.  Bring it on people.  I say all of this because I wish that I had known 6 weeks ago just how many people battle with the issues I now realize are common.  Issues that caused me huge upset, trauma, loss of hope and depression when I thought I was unusual and everything was hidden and taboo just because it can be perceived as embarrassing - I didn't leave my house (or my pajamas) for 6 days a couple of weeks ago because of just this thing.  When I opened up about it and finally asked a fellow MS-er for help and advice, I found that I wasn't alone and certainly not unique.  Whew, what a relief.  So, don't be ashamed of your diseases people; lets face it, the post-30 body isn't what it used to be and we're all going to have something sooner or later so, I hope you know no offence was intended, just a small comparison between a communicable disease and one that's not.

So, on to a bit of a lighter topic.  GO CANUCKS!  Are you all watching this awesome game???!!!  Sorry Dad, I'm just temporarily switching my focus from your beloved Maple Leafs to Vancouver...  Thanks for listening everyone, Ali xoxo

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