I really, really, really miss ... my high heels! I have been addicted to heels since the first time I remember wearing them to my cousin's wedding. A pair of little, burgundy pumps in suede that matched my dress; I felt so grown up...and so tall! I was hooked for life. When I was viewing my condo in the fall I wasn't quite sure until the agent said the following magic words: "and behind that door is another closet for shoes". Well, enough said - I moved in December 1st. And there they sit; pairs and pairs of beautiful heels all lined up with nowhere to go. I have had to wear flats since November because obviously, when you can't feel your feet, you don't want to be any higher off the ground than necessary. I have had all of my pants hemmed and now I am relegated to the outside walls of Nine West and have to skip the middle aisles where all of the shoes I want are. It's like going to the grocery store and only being allowed to buy items from Dairy, Produce and Poultry. That's actually a good comparison; heels to me are like the junk-food aisle. Bad for your health, but SO wonderful!!! I don't want to admit that MS may have taken something away from me that gives me so much pleasure. I don't know why I torture myself by going online to zappos.com and looking at all of the new arrivals. I guess I'm just wondering: will I be able to wear them again, or are we broken up for good?

Hi. I came here from Lainey's site. I urge you to go to Robb Wolf's site (www.robbwolf.com) and learn all you can about the paleo diet. My brother has reversed his MS with this way of eating. Robb also has a podcast for free on iTunes and a book called The Paleo Solution but everything in his book is available on his site for free. Also google "Dr. Loren Cordain multiple sclerosis." There's a YouTube video where Cordain explains how it works. Here is a post from Robb about it with a link. Someone in the comments says the link isn't working and they give another one in the comments. I would find it but our hydro is out here in Ontario and I am writing this on my phone. It won't let me search YouTube. I have been eating paleo for a year now and have cured my hypothyroidism. I begged my brother to try it for 30 days and he is sold. Grains (even whole grains) and sugar are toxic to people with MS. Best of luck. Remember, food is medicine. Start learning the science. Robb is a trained biochemist who got very sick just like you. If you want to talk more about it here is my email address: postingperson@gmail.com. Good luck! Caroline Best
Here ya go:
a life-long mobility issue limited me from ever wearing heels, though covet them i do. might i suggest seeing if a love-affair with purses/bags/clutches/totes might be a possibility?
Hi Laura, that's a great idea! I'll work on replacing my shoe-addiction with bags...do you know anyone in need of a large selection of size
6 1/2 heels?! :) Ali.
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