Monday, April 25, 2011

Disease-etiquette (???)

Well, I am overwhelmed with the amount of response to this blog already so, thank you to all who replied privately and to those who left comments or just took time out to read it.  I went back to work today and it was wonderful to use my brain and think about something other than MS.

So, I have a question and maybe one of you will have some input for me.  A couple of days ago I was talking to my friends Amy and Erin separately about what to do when I meet a new guy I'm interested in.  Do I just come right out with the fact that I have this disease and don't know what my future holds?  Do I wait? What's the disease-etiquette?  After much discussion and banter, I received a lovely story about a couple in a similar situation from Amy that ended like a fairy tale and gave me hope.  Later on, after much discussion and banter, I received the following advice from Erin:  "Whatever dude, don't worry about it.  It's not like you have herpes or something!"  So, indeed, two very different and valid points of view.  Does anyone else have advice or experience on the subject?  :)  Ali.


Siobhan Brady said...

Hi Alison - I'm so sorry to have to reconnect with you with this tough news - but I just wanted to say that you are so courageous and strong :) Also - there are two people in my field who are the most crazy-smart, uber-successful people who both have MS. From watching them and a family member who has ALS, and by reading your story - i know you have the same strength and attitude... Good luck - and I'm with your second friend on the guy situation :)

Alison I said...

HA HA, thanks Siobhan and it's so nice to hear from you. Thank you for the support and the stories of your colleagues; it gives me hope to hear about people that can continue on and be successful without this diagnosis dragging them backwards. Awesome! Ali.

Jetty Geers said...

OMG Ali,

What a story, I understand why we couldn't meet up that day in 2005!
I've been thinking of you many times!
BTW atleast you know now what it is after 6 years.
I cann't believe it took so long to find it out.
About the boy, here advise from the Netherlands!!!
If you tell him one day, and he doesn't want you, than he's not worth it!!!
You're the most wonderfull person I have ever mad, you deserve the best!!!

Miss you loads, and we will meed again, before we are 50, hihihihi.

Lots of love Jetty

Beth said...

Hi Alison,

Dating with MS, it's complicated. When I was diagnosed at 24 I really thought I should just get a rocking chair and cats and accept a life of singleness.

It gets better. It does. MS no longer occupies every thought I have (I'm now 29).

Here's my sappy MS love story blog post :)

Alison I said...

Hi Beth, THANK YOU for sharing your story - I read & commented on your blog post and I love it! Congrats on finding the supportive man of your dreams. Ali.