Thursday, August 11, 2011

What a Quack

Alright, maybe it's my age or where I live or something but, what the h*ll is "snake oil"?!  I keep hearing this term and while, generally I get the idea, why is it always oil from snakes?  I've heard CCSVI & Liberation surgery termed this way, as well as everything from Low Dose Naltrexone to Vitamin D.  I decided to find out...

Okay, so, back in the 1800's (obviously before online shopping), vendors used to travel around and peddle their wares.  Elixers and potions were commonly for sale and the vendor would boast that they could cure anything that ailed you; several of these tonics were rumoured to contain the oil from snakes.  Today, the term snake oil refers to a product or service that has been proven to not live up to the seller's promises and hype.

Hmmm, nobody knows for sure what causes MS yet and therefore, nobody can claim that any one treatment option is working or not working.  I think this term snake oil is greatly over-used and just thrown out there without regard to it's true meaning.  Plus, it sounds stupid.  Right?!  I'm so sick of hearing it!  ha ha

I guess that, until we know what causes our disease, we can't know how to cure it.  I'm glad that people like Dr. Zamboni are trying to figure it out.  Even if their theories come to nothing, at least they're looking; unlike those who stubbornly insist that this is an auto-immune disorder and have blinders on to anything else.  Maybe it is auto-immune, maybe it's simply dismiss another opinion as snake oil though is irresponsible in my opinion and just too plain easy.

In my life to date if I've learned anything at all, it's that the easy way is not usually the correct way.  Anything of value and promise typically takes a lot of hard work, thought, perseverance and stumbling around.  I've also noticed that people are wary of change and any new idea, at all, is met with scepticism no matter what. 

I know that a lot of people have been helped with so-called snake oil.  I take LDN as my medication for MS and it works for me.  You may say it's a placebo but, I say otherwise.  I know that the thousands of people showing amazing results from their Liberation surgeries say otherwise too.

Basically, if the term snake oil closes off peoples' minds and shuts down the possibility of researching something, we should stop saying it!  It's not even accurate in this case.  MS needs more ideas, more hypotheses, more investigation or we're just going to keep getting it and those of us that have it, keep getting worse. 

So, leave the snakes alone - I don't think they want the responsibility either and they've already taken enough heat over the course of history right?!  If you disagree, just open up the drawer in your bedside table in any hotel in the world and read a bit of that book...   :)

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