My aunt notices him and gives me her camera to take a picture. But, when I try to unzip the camera case, I find that it's layers and layers of different camera cases, like a Russian nesting doll. The frog hops away and my aunt gets upset with me.
So, I get up and go into the ocean and while underwater, I see a lime-green fish lurking there in a cave. He is enormous with an evil face and is made up of all of these leaf-like scales that fan in and out.
Then, it dawns on me why I'm actually in Honduras. I'm a detective and I'm there to solve the missing person case of a tourist. Suddenly (I'm still under water), a man swims in front of the fish and it grabs him, sucks him into his mouth in one gulp and he's gone. Eaten by this evil fish.
I realize what's happened to the missing tourist, mystery solved. Dream over. Me, happy that I FINALLY have an entry for my dream journal after months of stagnant, life-like dreams.
According to the drug information and patient testimonials for LDN, the abnormal dream side-effects typically go away after one to three months. I'm right on target there at about two months. But, in my case, I welcome back with open arms my NORMAL abnormal dreams and kiss goodbye those boring realistic ones where I'm cutting vegetables for hours or tying shoes etc.
And MS gets a tiny bit easier to handle day by day...
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