I reiterate that fact because, there is a riot going on right now on the streets of Vancouver. No, I'm totally not kidding right now. I wish I was.
This is absolutely ridiculous. There is talk that the group causing problems is the same group that began trouble in Toronto during the G-8 summit last year. They wear black masks, rile up the crowd and start smashing things.
But...this is a freaking hockey game people! Give me a break; this is Vancouver. The most calm, chilled-out city I've ever been in where people feel comfortable wearing sandals to church, where people were high-fiving each other on the street this morning in anticipation of the game tonight.
Now we've got the mayor coming out to speak and try to calm down all of these total psychos. Really Vancouver, shame. I'm embarrassed to live here right now. Grow up. It's f*cking hockey!

I was ashamed watching the news just like I was when it happened in Toronto. What is happening to our "nice,polite,friendly" population? We can blame it on anarchists but they weren't all anarchists. Who was that girl so proud of the purse she had just looted "because I wanted it"? Come on Canada, I liked it better when everyone thought we were hicks.
I am so sorry this happened in your wonderful city. It truly makes me sad.
Hi comment-ers, my sister was downtown that night watching the game on the huge screens outside. She called me to turn on the news and I sat transfixed for hours. She said that there were young men with Canucks jerseys on the Skytrain home boasting about the things they'd looted from local stores. She said that it was difficult for her and people around her not to literally attack them for what they'd done to our city and reputation...I just hope we've all learned something and can prevent anything like this from happening again. I've NEVER felt ashamed to be a Canadian before - just the opposite in fact. Glass & debris can be cleaned up, it's the shame that remains that sucks the most...
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