I looked up and apologized. "We're just staring at your shoes; they're beautiful!" I said. She nodded, laughed and said "I know, this is their first night out."
See, fellow shoe-lover.
See, fellow shoe-lover.
Since my feet are all numb and my balance is zilch, I have been unable to wear heels so, I'm into flats now and, funnily enough, hats. Well, never did I think that I'd be into another "accessory" of sorts too - some things you just can't predict.
This week I was in the lobby washroom at work and while washing my hands, I noticed that a woman down the way had a cane. Not just any cane; my cane! I struggled with myself; should I say anything? Is it kosher to compliment and discuss walking aids like women do clothes and shoes? What is the etiquette here?
Anyway, I just said to her, "I have that cane too; how do you like yours?" She looked surprised at first but, then she smiled and said "I wish I didn't have this thing but, I was glad to see that they're made in different colours and patterns!" My thoughts exactly. We had a short, friendly discussion and now I know, a cane can be an accessory too. Therefore, using female-math, it's okay to discuss in detail. ha ha
So, I was born a blonde. I swore up and down that I would NEVER dye my hair another colour. Well, scratch that because a few years ago, I got bored and wanted to see what it would look like brunette. My father has really dark hair and light eyes with super-light skin like me so, I thought I'd look okay. I took the plunge and had it dyed dark; I really liked it and swore I would NEVER go back to blonde.
I stayed brunette for over two years. I got bored again. I had it dyed back to blonde and there it stays. I recently found myself saying to a friend "I will NEVER dye it dark again!". Hmmm, I stopped and realized, I have learned a lesson.
Never say NEVER.
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